Are you ready to up-level your skincare & makeup routine and fall in love with it?
COUNTER to the status-quo
because we all deserve better
It all begins with awareness. Are you feeling confused or overwhelmed about why clean ingredients matter? I am here to share with you, your loved ones and community - WHY + HOW safe and transparent products are an essential. piece to the wellness puzzle. Our skin is our largest organ, and we all deserve better.
When it comes to personal care products - we, the consumer, are left to figure out the safety and transparency on own our. Sadly, there is a huge lack of regulation on products in North America. Finding brands you can trust and advocating for change industry-wide is sending a message to our law-makers that the time is NOW for change.
Ingredient lists can be trick to navigate and understand. The EWG Skindeep database is a good place to start - and I am also happy to help with any questions you may have. Number one ingredient to avoid? “Fragrance/Parfum” because it is a trade secret and proprietary blend which can mask literally thousands of toxic chemicals from the consumer.